i decided to blog somethinfg abt the situation i m in now..
basically, the end of year exams is juz around the corner, my whole class is revising like mad..every class does. i suppose.
every subject's teacher gave us huge piles of werksheets to complete.
and these resulted mass copying and many ws undone.
this period is pressure zone. anyway, the exam starts 2 wks later, on 2/10/2006.
i think i can be exempted from chinese exam..so the first day i can stay at home to revise cose it's chinese paper tt day..!
one day is ofcourse not enough for the revision, so i made myself a timetable of 2 wks, for my revision planning.i dunno whether it's effective.. cose i always ignore it and do my own werk...
i controlled my intentions to serve the net(now) or think abt the trip to china nancang at the end of th year too much,
need concentration eh..
but the result is i got addicted to music! though i got it years ago(listen to radio), however now is addicted to my ipod..haha abt 640 songs or so..
need relaxation eh..sometimes.
ya, have to go mug le, maybe blog something after the exam..wish me all the best and i will do the same to you..
best wishes.
thinkin' of you at ... 3:26 下午
哈哈, 今天好不容易找到了老师,并办好了登记手续。
thinkin' of you at ... 3:56 下午
haha..now in sch's computer lab..teacher's in the lab also..bb
thinkin' of you at ... 9:43 上午
双文化浸濡旅将在今年11月初出发。 刘老师告诉我们双文化奖学金得主将去温州和济南,非奖学金得主将去杭州(我〕或南昌。 由于奖学金只给本地公民,没我的份。 杭州是我老家,爷爷和父亲的亲戚都在那里。 然而,培维和哲安的班却走不同的路线,他们去南昌。 老师说像我这样的“小中国”,可以选择不去。 我想了想,还是去吧,但我想到培维的组去,这样我既可以和好朋友们一同出国旅游,还能到我梦寐以求的庐山进行摄影!哈哈。 但刘老师说要换组有点麻烦,会帮我跟杨老师(培维组负责老师〕说一下。 我不放心,放学后自己去找负责老师。自己的问题自己解决,当个大丈夫嘛。 经过两天〖昨天老师不在,与徐艰奋主任谈了一会儿,她说可以。今天找到了老师,也同意了!】 但还需要办一件事--把详细资料给黎老师,今天他没在。明天再来。 庐山一直是古人歌诵的圣地,风景优美,绝对是个摄影的绝佳地点。等我买了个三脚架,便什么也阻挡不了我了,疯狂拍片子,那是多么美好。。 ※好不容易写了三遍,头两次没存,不小心弄没了。。下次要牢记打一点就存的习惯。
thinkin' of you at ... 3:06 下午
当我从广播里听到STEVE IRVIN 先生的死讯时(被魔鬼鱼袭击),心里不禁一震。
我第一次看到他的节目“THE CROCODILE HUNTER”大概是在2000年吧,那时还很小。
从小我就对动物很感兴趣,他的节目更是大大推动与鼓励我对动物的了解,可以说--是知音。 嗯,他的每个动作,新发现,抓蛇与鳄鱼的紧张刺激都深深地吸引着我,我的心灵也在一次次的节目中得到舒解,放松与感染。
好像他也是料到他最终会消失在大海里。>>他的经理人说,Steve讲过,他要走,一定是在海里,而不是在陆地上。因为在陆地上,他很灵活,他知道该怎么办。而在海里,他没有控制啊... 也许吧!
STEVE 永远是广受全球喜爱的动物星球频道主持人,全球享有盛誉的澳大利亚自然主义者,我心中的英雄与偶像。
rest in peace..steve..we love you always.
Prayers for Terri, Bindi & Bob, and all his friends & family.
thinkin' of you at ... 9:22 下午
holiday's ending..
and still, i havent done much homewerks..
always wait till the last minute,
holding on!
thinkin' of you at ... 5:39 下午
steve irvin--the TV presenter known as the "Crocodile Hunter," has died after being stung by a stingray in a marine accident off Australia's north coast.
Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.
i was shocked.
he was my favourite tv presenter till now, i was always fascinated by the way how he close handling of wildlife, most notably the capture and relocation of crocodiles.
his love for animals and tried his best to propagate preserving of wildlife. it is also he whom planted a "animal loving" seed in me since young.
i will never forget him and his excite when handling animals..
here i would like to express my heart felt condolances go out to his wife terri, children and the rest off his family.
goodbye my beloved...
thinkin' of you at ... 7:22 下午
过后,6K的同学陆续抵达。MRS KHOO 被包围了!双手捧着的礼物多到她快坚持不住了。可见她是多么受学生爱戴!当年的6K有三分之一的人到了,毕业3年后还记得母校,慰问老师,这很可贵。
这对我来言并无有何不妥, 可对某些人就令当别论了。
` Likes.
I particularly like photography and table tennis! "Photography offers the most complete satisfaction of our curiosity. " ` Hates.
I seldom hate..but when a person really made me angry, the result can be devastating..
to summarize it,"ren2 bu4 fan4 wo3 , wo3 bu4 fan4 ren2". Fair?
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
well, i started taking my first photo since primary 4,
the trip to sentosa brought me precious memories and my first album was created!
the feeling after you have taken a good photograph is indescribable..
the unique sound of shutter... you will only know the feeling if you are totally revel in it!
you may think that i am a bit mad..but I really like photography!
*五月 2006
*六月 2006